Thursday, March 7, 2019

Springtime for my hair

Even if the weather isn't doing spring yet, my hair will be. I freshened up my blonde and had my annual haircut. Yep, you read that right. I honestly get my hair cut about once a year. I always think I want long hair a few months after cutting it, then once it actually grows long I am reminded that my hair looks terrible long and I cut it again. It's been the same cycle for maybe a decade. Do other people go through the same hair cycles over and over? What does this say about us?

1 comment:

  1. haha! Right! I'm doing that now. My stylist thought it would be a good idea to dye my hair the same color it is to perk it up. Not to mention the cost! I wish I could find the hair style I once had when I was 20!
