Last night I watched the movie A Star is Born. The one with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga. I had no idea is was going to be SO SAD. Gut wrenching, gulping, snotty-faced SAD. I hadn't cried that much about a fictional story since I read The Time Traveler's Wife (the book, not the movie). But I have noticed that I cry more easily in the past several years, since becoming a mother. I'm not sure whether some deep emotional part of me has been cracked open or if I'm just sleep deprived, but these days, I start tearing up at the slightest thing. Here's a list of things that have made me cry recently:
A Star is Born
that image on Facebook of the three 2017 Women's March posters with a photo of three matching 2019 Congresswomen
Nike's "Dream Crazier" ad with all the female athletes
Pretty much every article/post I see on social media about supporting students academically, socially, culturally, etc.
Telling my kids how proud I was of them for not behaving like wild hyenas at my gym so I could actually do the workout
A poem
Another poem
I fell into a poetry hole and just kept crying
The sound of geese and thinking about my husband at his grandmother's funeral today
Looking at a picture of my son when he was itty bitty
Explaining how enriching hosting an exchange student is
It's all good crying, but now I get what's going on with my mother. As a stoic teen, I always made fun of her for crying at greeting cards and such. I should probably call and apologize, which will of course make us both cry.

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